Saturday, February 10, 2007

sWeet m0menTs!!

well... this week really a busy week!! never really sleep for 4days.. everyday bout 3 hrs... haiz... now... really having a "chan" look... sigh...

for this week, i learnt some new thing... know how to wrap flower ler... hehe... well... really got many people like to deliver flower for friends. Actually nowdays roses are not only for girl fren edi... normal fren oso give roses ohh.. hahaha...

we sell flower, mandarin orange and lollipop for this dedication. er... got quite lotta order... got people buy 50 roses leh... somemore said buy for his mum... u think got people trust?? haha... dun "jia jia" ler...

actually different amount of flowers got different meaning. so do u know it's meaning? maybe there's special meaning behind for the flower u got... haha.. frens... be aware ohh...

1朵 你是我的唯一
2朵 你侬我侬,祝你幸福
3朵 我爱你,请原谅我
4朵 山盟海誓,相爱长久,似曾相识
5朵 无怨无悔
6朵 祝你一切顺利
7朵 喜相逢,祝你幸福
8朵 弥补,请原谅我
9朵 长长久久,长相厮守,相爱到永远
10朵 十全十美,完美的你
11朵 一心一意,最美
12朵 心心相印
13朵 暗恋的人
15朵 守住你的人
16朵 成长的喜悦
17朵 好聚好散,让爱结束吧
19朵 一生守候
20朵 两情相悦,此志不渝
21朵 你是我的最爱
22朵 双双对对,生生世世
24朵 思念,我好想你
25朵 没有猜忌
26朵 旧爱新欢
30朵 不需言语的爱
32朵 告诉你,我不会三心二意
33朵 深情呼唤我爱你
36朵 我心属于你
44朵 恒古不变的誓言
50朵 这是无悔的爱
56朵 吾爱
57朵 吾爱吾妻
66朵 情场顺利;真爱不变
77朵 有缘相逢,嫁给我吧
80朵 让我尽一切的弥补你
88朵 用心弥补一切的错
99朵 天长地久,长相厮守
100朵 百份百的爱,白头偕老,百年好合
101朵 你是我的唯一,唯一的爱
108朵 求婚,嫁给我吧
111朵 无尽的爱
123朵 爱情自由
144朵 爱你生生世世
365朵 天天爱你
999朵 长长久久,恒古不变
1001朵 忠贞的爱,永恒的爱,直到永远

captured many nice flowers... all wrap by ourselves... 10th college really have lotta talented people ohh.. take a look ba...

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