Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Part Time @ IIUM

Today went to earn some pocket money. Did a one-day part time job at International Islamic University Malaya (IIUM). My job is to promote the use of free calls from Flekx.

Anyone can visit to www.flekx.com to register an account by using your mobile number. Dont worry, it is totally FREE OF CHARGE. You just need to register and an email will be sent to you later. Then you just need to follow the given instructions, download and install a SIP phone, and start to make calls to any Malaysia Nationwide and mobile numbers for FREE!! It is pretty simple..

When there is free thing, everyone will start to suspect... Does it really free? Or got any hidden charge? But this is really free in fact. There is no free lunch in this world!! In order to make free call, you have to make sure that your account have enough points. You will be given 100points for free once you have been signed up. So if you need more points, you just need to dial 111, listen to the advertisement, and key in the verification code. Then, free points will be given to you and you can make calls again~ Easy? You just need to have a computer that is able to access to internet will do... Ohya.. Is PC->phone not phone->phone~

OK.. My part time just one day. No need to advertise so much. Just share this with all my friends here. Can go try it since it is totally FREE!!

IIUM is really very nice. The architecture, buildings are awesome!! I hope UM can have 50% from it.. But.... haiz~~~ Snapped few photos there.... Have a look ya~ ^^

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