Wednesday, January 07, 2009



这学期还不错咯!一共拿了17 个 jam Kredit!虽然是拿了六科,但是年尾考试只有三科!另外三科都是不必考试的!其中两科,希望能顺顺利利拿得好成绩!上上学期的成绩真的是非常的没眼看!唉~不用紧!我会加油!至于还有一科,该是最贵的那科咯!吉他班嘛!单单是吉他就已经去了RM148 了,学费是RM100哦!第一堂课后,手指很痛呢~不过,我会排除万难,成为一个吉他音乐人的!!!哈哈哈哈哈哈!!!!!!!!

今天终于选了thesis 题目!向来的我,都很坚持要一个人做thesis!但我竟然选了一体由5个人做的题目!真的要多求神拜佛,希望大家合作得顺顺利利!一起拿个A!!!^^

Thesis Title:
Journey Planner for Public Transport in Kuala Lumpur
An effective, accurate, and easy-to-use information system will be beneficial to promote and encourage the use of public transportation services by the citizens of Kuala Lumpur. This project will develop a system that provides accurate and up to date timetable information to get the users to their destinations in Kuala Lumpur by the quickest public transport mode(s). The users can select which mode or modes they want to travel by between two places in the city, via another place if they wish, on a specified date and at a specified time. When it is needed, full information on connections between the same or different modes of public transport will be given to make transfers as smooth as possible. The estimated time required will be displayed to the users. The suggested route will be visualized, too.


- 希望事事顺利如我愿 -
- 盼望成绩优良给我A -
- 希望与朋友亲人和睦共处 -
- 盼望与功课学习打成一片 -

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